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UNIFI4FUTURE – call for proposals for the development of innovative and ambitious project proposals

Through the Call, the University of Florence intends to support outstanding young researchers of all nationalities who wish to submit a project proposal in response to the ERC Starting Grant call. Specifically, the university will be funding a maximum of 5 research projects to be carried out within the University’s Departments and thus aimed at supporting the development of innovative and ambitious project proposals going beyond the state of the art in the topic being researched,
and which are likely to be competitive under the European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant funding scheme. The successful candidates of the selection process therefore commit to follow a research path aimed at submitting a project proposal as Principal Investigator under the European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant scheme before the end of the project, designating this University as
the Host Institution. More details : https://www.iassw-aiets.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/dr_576_unifi4future_300424_eng.pdf

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